Monday, September 15, 2014

Social Media

After looking at all the social media demographics reports there were a few things that stood out at me. First was how similar our data was to the PEW research even though we had a smaller scale of participants. That just shows how much people are involved with social media. I also noticed that there are people who are concerned about their privacy but still continue to put themselves out there.  So i guess they are concerned but not concerned enough. Lastly I realized how social media can really take over peoples lives. After interviewing my participants it felt like they were telling me things that they were actually embarrassed about. I found this video about how social media affects your brain.  It compares it to a drug and how it can become addictive. It's kind of interesting and even talks about multi tasking! Enjoy!


  1. The video you posted was very informative. I really liked the explanation of why people are so addicted to social media. I remember in college, Myspace, was so hard for me to live without for a few days and nowadays I still tend to check Facebook a few times a day. In fact, I've found that I check Facebook more often than my normal email. It also occurs to me that 80% of this comment is about me, just like 80% of social media interactions is about one's self. I also like how this video touched on multitasking with social media and how those people tend to perform worse than those who don't. It is great timing that multitasking is our next topic for this class!

  2. I loved this little video. It's kind of funny because I was thinking in terms of what the video talks about just a few days ago and was even discussing it with my husband. since the video mentioned that social media addiction is similar to other forms of addiction and the more we indulge in it, the more we crave similar addictions, I was really wondering if my need to mindlessly snack on something crunchy while working on the computer of scrolling through social media had anything to do with this addiction! It's not that I NEED this food but it is more like something that my MIND craves, not my body and I definitely see it as an addiction! Besides, have you ever noticed that sometimes, we tend to think that our phones are ringing when we hear a noise that sounds even vaguely similar to it? Sometimes, I grab my phone from the other room just because I "though" that my phone beeped, but it really wasn't so. Yes, there were times when my mind played 'beep-beep' games!! Shows how much our brains and minds are preoccupied with technology. It's not all bad though, because it has its advantages.

    Thanks for the blog post Desiree!


  3. Hi Desiree,

    Thank you for posting your interesting thoughts and the video! Ever since I got a smart phone, I have been suspecting that those little creatures called “social media apps” had been slowly taking over my life! I found myself checking on every single notification every 15-20 minutes, and I “had to” check every night before going to bed! I hate to admit it but I am a social media addict! It totally makes sense now to know that it is our brain/ chemicals that are doing funny things to our habits in daily life. It opened my eyes and made me determined to take control of my “addiction” and really reduce the amount of social media I use. I am sure that taking LTEC classes will make it even harder to control this little monster, but I am going to make this “Social Media Detox” happen! Hopefully after a few weeks, I can come back and report my progress! Really thankful for this video that showed me to impact of social media indulgence! -Kitty
