Tuesday, September 30, 2014

So far...

So far this class has given me the opportunity to explore topics I've thought about but never able explore deeply with them. I enjoyed learning about the social media use with my circle of friends and family. It opened up a lot of conversations and made me realize what a big part it is in their lives.

As we begin talking about our next project with the Japanese students from Kansai University I feel really confident. Since I've participated in this project before I know what to expect. I am very curious about who my group will be and what topics we will decide to do for our video. Last time we did our project I learned a lot about the Japanese students. It was one of the most fun projects I have have ever done.


  1. Hi Desiree,
    You're so lucky that you've already had the chance to participate in this project. I'm really excited to get started, and from all the reactions I've seen from those who've already worked on a collaboration project with Kansai students, it's a lot of fun! The only thing I'm a little nervous about is the initial awkwardness that we might experience as we're getting to know one another and as we're establishing our roles in the project. Other than that though, I'm so excited to learn about the Kansai students and to work with them on this project. I'm certain we'll have an equally positive and rewarding experience to the one you had! Mahalo for this discussion!
    Kaulana D.

  2. Hi Desiree,

    I was also really excited and curious as to who my group members would be for the UH/Kansai Video Project! I feel really confident about doing this project since we did it last year with Dr. Peter. I hope you and your group experience a lot of success and that things flow even smoother than last year!
