Thursday, December 11, 2014

Final Reflection

As I reflect about this semester I've learned about multiple topics. One of the topics that affected me a lot was the multi tasking. I realized that I am more of a switch task person more than a multi task person depending on the tasks. This class also really opened some doors for me with social media. It forced me out of my comfort zones and made me try different social media tools that I probably would have never used before. It was definitely important for me to be patient and have an open mind for all the new tools that I came across. Every time I would procrastinate to try a new tool I found that the out come was always the same. I would always say to myself, "wow, that was so easy to use, I should have started earlier!" If I can just always remember that then I think I will have more success with trying new tech tools.

In the future I plan to continue using Twitter as a tool for my PLN. I enjoy following new people and articles and reading about them. I also finally understand what the "hashtag" means! I never fully understood it before. As for social media in education I think eventually they will run hand and hand together.

Thank you Dr Bert, Chester, Dal, and Rian for a great semester!

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