Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Moving forward...

This week I'm on my Fall break from work. My husband an I are taking advantage of the time to travel to California and the East coast to see family and friends. It always sounds like a great idea until realizing the time change and when I need to be online for class and meet my deadlines.

In addition to traveling farther East we got to find out or groups for the Hawaii Kansai Collaboration project. We have 6 members total. Three from Hawaii and Three from Japan. Initially I was having problems with my sound on google hangouts. I could hear everything but for some reason they couldn't hear me. After restarting I finally switched over to using my phone to talk with them and that seemed to work just fine. Thank goodness for having a smart phone! After meeting our group members I'm really excited to get started on our project. Our Japan group members already had an idea about comparing fashion so we are going with it. I think it will be fun to compare fashion in Hawaii and Japan. We are also going to some how incorporate social media in our topic as well. I enjoyed meeting our members and was really impressed with how well the Japanese students spoke english. I can't wait to see how our project turns out!

My only worry is making sure I get all my timezones correct while I'm traveling and figuring out my sound problem on google hangouts. Other than that I think our group is going to have a lot of fun with this project! No matter what technology difficulties I come across I will keep moving forward and do the best I can!